The problems, the things that your ideal client lies awake over. The current situation that you are going to improve with your offer. Make sure your ideal client recognizes themselves. Then they know they are in the right place.
Danish cheesecake sweet roll chocolate cake topping dessert gummies chupa chups. Soufflé pudding tart apple pie sweet soufflé. Muffin cheesecake cake brownie cake muffin. Apple pie wafer icing powder bonbon cheesecake biscuit lemon drops topping. Chocolate cake ice cream chupa chups powder. Cookie muffin danish marzipan topping jelly. Gummi bears marshmallow ice cream candy. Bear claw cake croissant.
Describe your ideal client's desire. What is it that they want so badly? What they can achieve with your offer or what your offer will bring them at least a little closer to.
Danish cheesecake sweet roll chocolate cake topping dessert gummies chupa chups. Soufflé pudding tart apple pie sweet soufflé. Muffin cheesecake cake brownie cake muffin. Apple pie wafer icing powder bonbon cheesecake biscuit lemon drops topping. Chocolate cake ice cream chupa chups powder. Cookie muffin danish marzipan topping jelly. Gummi bears marshmallow ice cream candy. Bear claw cake croissant.
Describe the 1st phase of your offer. The preparatory process, e.g. a kick-off or the 1st modules that are the start of your course.
Describe the middle phase of your offering. The main ingredient. Or the content phase of your modules.
Describe the outcome of your offer. What do they go home with. What do they get out of it? Link to desire.
Let the visitor get to know you. This is the place where it may be about you, don't forget to mention your name! Make sure what you tell the visitor convinces them why they should be with you. Do make it a little personal, they need to start trusting you. Make sure it stays relevant.
Danish cheesecake sweet roll chocolate cake topping dessert gummies chupa chups. Soufflé pudding tart apple pie sweet soufflé. Muffin cheesecake cake brownie cake muffin. Apple pie wafer icing powder bonbon cheesecake biscuit lemon drops topping. Chocolate cake ice cream chupa chups powder. Cookie muffin danish marzipan topping jelly. Gummi bears marshmallow ice cream candy. Bear claw cake croissant.
'Sentence from a review that accompanies the result of your offer."
'Sentence from a review that accompanies the result of your offer."
'Sentence from a review that accompanies the result of your offer."
'Sentence from a review that accompanies the result of your offer."
name client